It is my honor to recommend Dr. Sherri Johnston as an academic leader and instructor. I have known Sherri since 2019 when I was attending Capella University’s Doctor of Business Administration program. Sherri was a year ahead of me in the program and served as a mentor to me. Our mentor, Dr. Sherman, had requested that she work with a few other students, including myself, to help the group advance our capstone projects. Sherri helped refine my topic and academic writing to meet the program’s requirements. After she graduated, she continued to mentor and coach me until I completed the program in 2021. Sherri is the type of person that will go above and beyond to help others achieve their goals. Her feedback and direction were invaluable to my success.

Dr. Johnston is an exceptional scholar and mentor with a strong work ethic. Sherri has the knowledge and ability to help others achieve their goals. Her many talents make her a great person who will succeed in any situation. I sincerely give Sherri my highest recommendation based on her leadership, knowledge, and experience.

Dr. Ken Styron -

President, Columbia Southern University

Dr. Sherri Johnston and I met during my second year of the doctoral program. Although she was a couple of quarters ahead of me in the program, we were introduced when we were in the same two classes during one quarter. Dr. Johnston was an active participant in the class, and she always replied to her classmates’ discussion posts with thought-provoking, Socratic responses.

Dr. Johnston was not only a classmate; she was a mentor and a leader to other DBA learners in the program. Dr. Johnston likes to communicate with others, as she habitually would send out text messages to check on others in the program. She did this while she was a learner in the program and continued to check on others after she graduated. Whenever she realized that her peers were struggling with a common problem, she quickly responded by setting up a Zoom meeting to assist her fellow classmates in overcoming each hurdle. Dr. Johnston has made instructional videos to assist her peers in moving forward in the program. For example, when some of the learners in the DBA program were unfamiliar with pivot tables in Excel, Dr. Johnston took it upon herself to create a video demonstrating the use of these pivot tables and she hosted a Zoom meeting to explain the use of the pivot tables.

Dr. Johnston always found the time to help others. Her willingness to help others in the program was a testament to her selflessness to see others succeed. She was always prompt to respond whenever I had a question or when I had difficulty in completing a section of my Capstone project. There was never a time when she hesitated to assist one of her peers. If she did not know the answer, she immediately researched the problem and followed up with the solution. Dr. Johnston’s assistance eased some of the frustrations that I experienced throughout the program, and other DBA learners have shared this same sentiment of her expertise and willingness to help others. I am thankful that our paths crossed during my doctoral journey.

Dr. Gwendolyn E. Jones, DBA, SHRM-SCP, SPHR -

Director of Human Resources

Dr. Sherri Johnston has been an amazing mentor to me. Dr. Johnston is very attentive and passionate to helping and pulling out the best in every person she speaks with. Dr. Johnston has made me feel very confident and provided me with all the tools I needed to be successful professionally and personally. Dr. Johnston’s mentoring helped me become a better scholarly writer and develop skills that have helped me in completing my capstone project. I believe Dr. Johnston’s willingness to help, motivate and build strong relationships will make her an asset to any company.

Dr. Shana Simmons -

Graduate, Capella University DBA Program

Dr. Sherri Johnston was a mentor to me during my Doctoral program. Dr. Johnston provided me with important insight into how to research and write at the Doctoral level. Her understanding of how to meet and exceed the academic expectations helped me prepare correctly and allowed me to provide high-level work product. She was always prompt and responsive when I needed help and would regularly check in on my progress. I have no doubt that my Doctoral journey would have turned out very differently if Dr. Johnston had not been there to offer me good advice.

Dr. Anthony Cicchese DBA, MBA, MA, CPP -

Government Investigations Specialist, Thomson Reuters

I was a student in Dr. Johnston’s Negotiation and Business Strategy course at Columbia Southern University. Dr. Johnston was a very good teacher and sharer of knowledge. She was instrumental at preparing her students for their doctoral journey in many ways, which she did on her own time and aside from normal coursework. She would offer critical advice and assistance in major areas of the doctoral program. One example of this was her feedback on APA formatting, which many of us learned to become experts with. Her willingness to see all her students succeed, within her classroom and in other courses, demonstrated her ability to live up to her teaching philosophy. Her passion was very noticeable and she fostered a sense of community, camaraderie and fellowship – not only between her and the students, but among the students themselves. I would note that Dr. Johnston did all of this as a professor of a business course and a “pseudo mentor” for many of us. She did not have to go the extra length to help and hear us out, but I am most certainly glad she did and was there for me.

Justin R. Avery, MBA -

Dr. Sherri Johnston is a trusted confidante and mentor I have gone to for guidance for a little over four years. In the beginning, Dr. Johnston, while a doctoral candidate, highly encouraged me to pursue and finish my undergrad degree. Having retired after 21 years in the Marine Corps, I didn’t feel it necessary to continue my education until I met Dr. Johnston.

During a casual conversation, we discussed the importance of furthering my education, not only to open doors of opportunity to advance my second career post-military, but to set an example for my daughter, who at the time was a Junior in High School. With her guidance and encouragement, I sought out and began my degree completion through Columbia Southern University. There, I went on and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Safety and Health. During my academic journey, I leaned on Dr. Johnston for advice and guidance when I ran into trouble putting together papers as well as troubles researching coursework. Dr. Johnston provided insight that helped me conduct deep-dive research guaranteeing my continued success.

Upon completion of the undergraduate degree, Dr. Johnston encouraged me to continue and work towards a master’s degree in the safety field of study and area of work. It is because of the continued contact and guidance I completed the graduate degree which ultimately was the deciding factor when I was being considered for a key position with Amazon as their on-site Site Workplace Safety and Health Manager at the Amazon Air Facility in Haslet/Ft Worth, Texas on Alliance Regional Airfield. Dr. Johnston is a leader and a role model for others to emulate. As a Subject Matter Expert in her field, Dr. Johnston always makes time to ensure others are successful even when it is at a cost of her personal and professional time. It is because of the mentorship and guidance I received from Dr. Johnston, I successfully finished my undergrad degree with a 3.77 GPA and a 3.83 GPA for my graduate degree.

HW Franco, MS, GSP -

I would like to acknowledge my appreciation for Dr. Sherri Johnston and how she mentored and assisted me through my Doctoral process. Sherri was instrumental in me obtaining my Doctoral Degree. She assisted me in numerous ways from teaching me about the Critical Incident Technique to assisting me with my Qualitative Analysis. She helped me develop concepts that assisted in building my framework; which ultimately helped me complete my entire project. Without Dr. Johnston, I do not think I would have had a clear understanding of the proper way to construct my Doctoral study. I highly recommend Dr. Johnston as she has an in-depth understanding of how to complete and understand doctoral requirements as well as her ability to connect with others.

Dr. Jeremy Steele, DBA -

With great pleasure, I recommend Dr. Johnston. I have known Dr. Johnston for several years as we were cohort in the DBA program at Capella University. As you know, Dr. Johnston recently finished her doctoral program. Dr. Johnston expressed a desire to move into the academic profession, and I recommended she explore opportunities.

Professionally, I work for the US Federal Government, but I am also an adjunct professor with several universities. Being a professor requires discipline, for you are balancing your family life, work-life, and teaching life. Dr. Johnston has the discipline to balance these three lives. First, she is a wife and loving mother to her son. Second, she works full-time for the Federal Government. Finally, like me, she attended Capella University as a full-time DBA student. She was able to balance all three without sacrificing any of them. I know that if she can do this, she can manage the rigor of working in the academic field.

Academically, since Dr. Johnston and myself were members of the same doctoral program, I know she has the academic background to work in the academic field. She has completed business classes in financial management, leadership, management, supply chain management, and other areas. The classes she has taken at Capella and in her master’s program provided her with a solid foundation.

One of the responsibilities professors must perform is being motivators to their students. This can be a challenging responsibility for professors who do not know everything going on in their students’ lives. I have seen first-hand Dr. Johnston’s ability to motivate others. As part of our cohort, we formed a small group of about forty students who interacted weekly via WhatsApp and Slack. She would support many of us as we progress through the various stages of our doctoral journey. She continues this even though she has completed her doctoral journey.

Finally, Dr. Johnston is a proven leader. During her last two terms at Capella, she served as a leader within the Capella Chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) honor society. As a leader within our chapter, she would schedule and hold weekly meetings for NSLS inductees. The meetings led by Dr. Johnston focused on improving the communication and leadership skills of new NSLS inductees. In full disclosure, I was one of her mentees in December 2020, and I was impressed by her leadership abilities.

In closing, I support Dr. Johnston with her desire to work in the academic field. She will be a great asset to any university. If you have any questions that you would like to ask of me, you can contact me.

Dr. Jeffrey D. Pullen -

Graduate, Capella University

Sherri Johnston is a hands-on, caring mentor who goes above and beyond to ensure she provides the necessary support for a learner. She is prompt in her responses, always flexible when needing to schedule a call, and provides in-depth feedback. Her feedback clearly and concisely outlines the changes needed by the learner, helping to streamline the revision process. Sherri’s dedication to her students shines through her commitment to each of her learners.

Dr. Karin Oberlander, DBA, MPA -

I am submitting this letter as a testament to the character and professional genius that makes up Dr. Sherri Johnston.

We were in the same DBA Cohort at Capella University and over our time of learning together, Sherri shined as the most helpful and the most diligent with keeping her fellow cohort members active, engaged, and motivated. She stepped up as a leader among her peers and I’m grateful.

Multiple times Sherri reviewed my work and gave me honest and open feedback that I needed to make progress in the program. Without her support, I can honestly say I would not have made it as far as I have in my studies. Her willingness to help is truly unparalleled.

If you are searching for a compassionate, knowledgeable, and motivated instructor, I implore you to add Dr. Johnston to your academic team.

Maleeka Hollaway -

CEO & Award-Winning Publicist, The Official Maleeka Group

Dr. Sherri Johnston was my professor for DBA 8758 Negotiations and Business Strategy during the summer of 2021. Dr. Johnston was extremely supportive, providing outstanding instruction and guidance during the course. She suggested resources to better develop my skills and competence during the term, which I do believe elevated my writing capabilities. I feel very fortunate to have been in Dr. Johnston’s course and have takeaways that will help throughout my doctoral journey.

Angela Golden -

Professor, Columbia Southern University

I am honored to write this recommendation on behalf of Sherri Johnston who has been a mentor to me both academically and professionally. I have gotten to know Dr. Johnston as a friend and mentor over the last 4 years. Sherri is an amazing person, professionally and personally. During this time, she has been very helpful, encouraging, and motivating. Sherri has and continues to help and support me as both a mentor and a friend. I highly recommend her and believe she would be an asset to your organization. Sherri is compassionate and has the knowledge and expertise to give honest and direct feedback and above all enjoys seeing others thrive.

Dr. Jacqueline Varner, DBA, MBI -

Dr. Sherri Johnston was an irreplaceable peer mentor during my Doctoral studies. Dr. Johnston became a trusted mentor, coach, friend, and colleague. She was instrumental in providing peer review, research advice, and strategies for the flow and composition of the research paper. Dr. Johnston took a hands-on approach and adapted to my learning style over time, making the engagements increasingly impactful. She always delivered her actionable feedback with candor and grace. She stayed engaged throughout the entire process and was prompt when responding to requests for assistance. My time working with Dr. Johnston elevated the quality of my work and helped build confidence in my abilities as an adult learner. I am confident that anyone fortunate enough to have Dr. Johnston as a mentor, coach, or instructor will significantly benefit their academic pursuits.

Dr. Chad J. Ashley, DBA -

I met Dr. Sherri Johnston, as a new employee checking in at my office. At that time, she was early in the doctorate program. We immediately hit it off. Listening to her talk about her journey made me think about my journey. With her constant encouragement, I enrolled in higher education shortly after meeting her. I would have never done anything like this on my own. While I am the oldest student currently in my associate degree program, Dr. Johnston continually communicates with me about how proud she is that I am continuing my education at such an older age. She tells me that I am never too old to learn and get a degree. She checks on me to make sure I am still on track. When we still worked together, Dr. Johnston could tell when I was having a problem with something. She would immediately assist, whether it was sharing an experience or an instructional book; she didn’t leave it at that, she would always follow up with me to make sure I had overcome the hurdle.

Dr. Johnston always has time to help others. There has never been any hesitation; she immediately researches and finds the best route to follow if she is unsure. She is the person to get me back in line and move forward. Dr. Johnston continues to assist me even though we no longer work together. She is my favorite go-to person. My problem is always the most important one, making me feel like I am her most important friend.

Lana K. Jester -

Management Analyst, NAVFAC LANT

Dr. Sherri Johnston has been a great inspirational mentor during my doctoral program. She genuinely cares about her students and their journey throughout the doctoral process. Dr. Johnston has recommended academic writing tools such as websites and literature to become better scholarly writers and conduct research more efficiently. She has also been a dependable source I can count on day and night for insight or mentorship. If not for her, my writing would not be where it is today, and my confidence increased to want to complete this program eagerly.

Rosanne Moon -

Doctoral Learner, Columbia Southern University